Students will be expected to comply with all vaccine requirements prior to attending school virtually or in- person at a NJ childcare/ preschool and school. New Jersey still allows for religious or medical exemption when applicable. Ensuring that vaccines are up-to-date can help protect schools And communities from vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Old Bridge Township Public School Health Services Program provides health and nursing services for all the students in grades PreK-12. The goal of the health office is to support the educational process by promoting optimum wellness and working closely with parents and guardians to:
Assess and evaluate the health needs of students
Accommodate students with specific health concerns
Serve as a health resource for the school community
The school health services provided to our students include, but are not limited to:
Liaison between school, parents, health care provider, and community agencies
Height/Weight Screening
Blood Pressure Screening
Vision/Hearing Screening
Scoliosis Screening (5th, 7th, 9th and 11th grade)
Health Assessments and Referrals
Maintenance of Health Records
Compliance with State Immunization Requirements
Administration of Medications prescribed by Health Care Provider
Assessment and Provision of Initial Care for Illness/Injury

Student should remain at home until they are fever free (less than 100 degrees) for 24 hours without fever reducing medications.
Student must be able to tolerate food for 24 hours without vomiting prior to returning to school.
NO medications are allowed in school without a doctor's order, this includes cough drops.
Any student entering school with crutches or mobility devices (e.g. scooter) will require a written MD authorization.
Any student who is in school with a cast, crutches and or mobility devices must be excluded from physical activity (PE, recess, sports, trips, field day, gym shows etc) until MD documentation is received allowing activity to resume.
Students who are excused from PE/activities with an MD note, must be cleared back unless the original note is for a specific length of time.