S.T.E.A.M. Night

Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Miller Elementary School

Join us for an evening of discovery and fun as your family explores various Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math stations. Parent/guardian with elementary students only. Maximum capacity 25 people.

College Planning

Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Virtual Workshop
This workshop aims to navigate families through the college admissions process. We will discuss how your child can plan for the application process in regards to academic preparation, extracurricular activities and standardized testing.  We will review what factors to consider when building your child’s college list. Laura Martignetti is in her eighteenth year as a school counselor at Old Bridge High School.   She has her College Counseling certification from UCLA. This workshop is targeted to 9-11th grade parents/guardians.

College Planning Workshop Presentation 11.20.24 https://5il.co/31k00

Special Education Process and Parent Rights in Special Education

Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Ellen McDermott Grade 9 Center
Presented by Asst. Supt. Of Academic Programs, Dr. James Tuohy 

A Simple Guide to Special Education in Old Bridge: This Family Academy Night will provide a brief overview on Special Education Services and Supports for Parents of students who are identified as needing special education and/or related services.  The presentation will provide an overview on the special education process, services available, and resources that parents and students can access in Old Bridge Public Schools.   

FAN Special Ed https://5il.co/30zpg

How Can I Support My Child in Mathematics at Home?   

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
McDivitt Elementary School
Presented by Stacy Winters, Supervisor of Mathematics 

Come and learn about our elementary mathematics program in Old Bridge and how you can support your child’s experience at home.  In addition, there are many resources and activity that inspire curiosity and mathematical thinking.  Join us in an interactive conversation and leave with ideas for engaging your child in mathematics.  

Math Workshop Presentation https://5il.co/30ux1

What is HIB (Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying)

September 30, 2024
Ellen McDermott Grade 9 Center

In a parent workshop designed to define HIB (Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying) and distinguish it from conflict, the focus will be helping parents understand what constitutes bullying and how it differs from everyday disagreements or conflicts that occur in the school environment.

HIB Presentation https://5il.co/2xypz

Workshop: SUMMER SLIDE - Reading and Math at Home

May 20, 2024

Join the Old Bridge Instructional Coaches for a comprehensive virtual workshop focused on strategies to prevent the summer slide in math, ELA, social studies, and science. In this workshop, you will gain practical tips and resources to support students while also discovering community-based opportunities to enhance their learning experiences.

Avoid the Summer Slide Presentation - https://5il.co/2oizk

Workshop: Family STEAM Night

March 4, 2024
Madison Park Elementary School Makerspace

Join us for an evening of discovery and fun as your family explores various Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math stations.

Parent/Guardian with elementary students only - maximum capacity 30 people

Workshop: It is Tough to be a Kid!

Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Old Bridge High School

Across the United States our kids are battling everyday stresses of life. This workshop is a deep dive into the challenges our kids are facing with mental health issues, anxiety, vaping, pills, marijuana laws, etc. The workshop will highlight current trends along with prescription drug abuse, cyberbullying, the One Pill initiative, anxiety, separation stress, and other current topics. Participants will learn the current data trends and problems that are surfacing in the community.

Presented by: Professor Doughlas S Collier, M.A., DEA (Ret), Monmouth University, Department of Criminal Justice

Workshop: Positive Communication/Conversation

Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Old Bridge High School

In this workshop, attendees will discuss the importance of positive communication and share methods that will foster positive connections. Attendees will leave with practical strategies to promote positive dialogue in the home. If you are looking for ways to enhance positive interactions with your children, please join us.

Positive Communcation / Conversation Workshop - Click here for presentation

Workshop: College Planning

Thursday, November 2, 2023 - 6:00pm
Ellen McDermott Grade 9 Center Auditorium

This workshop aims to navigate families through the college admissions process. We will discuss how your child can plan for the application process in regard to academic preparation, extracurricular activities and standardized testing.  We will review what factors to consider when building your child’s college list.

Laura Martignetti is in her sixteenth year as a school counselor at Old Bridge High School.  The last six years she has worked with our students in the top 10% of their grade level.  She has her College Counseling certification from UCLA.

Click Image for College Planning Presentation

Workshop: Executive Functioning

Tuesday, October 3, 2023 - 7:00pm
Carl Sandburg Middle School Learning Lab

The district administrator Executive Functions Committee will be presenting on how executive functioning impacts student growth and development.

    * Learning and the Brain
    * Impact on Academics
    * Social and Behavioral Expectations
    * Strategies for Home

Executive Functioning Presentation Image - linked to https://5il.co/26fzj

Click image for Executive Functioning Presentation

Workshop: Hidden in Plain Sight - Current Drug Trends

Monday, April 24, 2023 - 7:00pm
Ellen McDermott Grade 9 Center Auditorium

Doug Collier, M.A. DEA (Ret)
Monmouth University, Department of Criminal Justice - Professor

This interactive educational program will address the following:

  • Risk factors associated with early drug use

  • How common household items are used to mask drug detection and drug use

  • Early detection and understanding evidence-based prevention strategies for the community



Workshop: College Planning

Wednesday, March 22, 2023 - 6:30pm
Ellen McDermott Grade 9 Center Auditorium

This workshop aims to navigate families through the college admissions process. We will discuss how your child can plan for the application process in regard to academic preparation, extracurricular activities and standardized testing.  We will review what factors to consider when building your child’s college list.

Laura Laubach is in her sixteenth year as a school counselor at Old Bridge High School.  The last six years she has worked with our students in the top 10% of their grade level.  She has her College Counseling certification from UCLA.

Workshop: OBHS Early College Program (ECP) Parent and Student Presentation

Tuesday, February 14, 2023 - 6:00pm
Via Zoom

Presentation will provide a brief overview of the early college program and dual enrollment courses offered to OBHS students.

Zoom presentation by Dr. James Tuohy, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Programs.

college workshop

Workshop: Internet Safety

Monday, February 13, 2023 - 6:00pm
Ellen McDermott Grade 9 Center Auditorium

Parents and guardians are invited to join us on Monday, February 13 for an opportunity to learn about the dangers of social media and how our children can protect themselves online.

This presentation will focus on online privacy, inappropriate posts, cyberbullying, sexting, sextortion, online sexual solicitation and technology tools for parents.

Presented by Detective Kate Feehan, who serves as a Detective in the New Jersey State Police’s Internet Crimes Against Children Unit (ICACU) as well as a member of the National Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Program (ICAC). Detective Feehan is responsible for investigating crimes that deal with the exploitation of children on the internet.

Internet safety flyer

internet safety flyer

internet safety flyer

Workshop: Raising Resilient Children - What to do When Things Go Wrong

with Coordinator of the Middlesex County Traumatic Loss Coalition: George Scott

December 8, 2022