Southwood Elementary School
· Students arrive at 8:50 AM.
· Students are dismissed at 3:14 PM.
Arrival Procedures for Walkers:
· All walkers should be lined up on the blacktop in front of the school by 8:50 AM. Walkers are not permitted on the blacktop before the bell rings without parent supervision. There will be no teacher supervision before 8:50 AM.
· Parents need to wait behind the cones or on the sidewalk. You may not stand with your child.
· Parents may park on Southwood Drive or surrounding streets and walk their child to the blacktop. Do not park by the yellow painted curbs, as you will be ticketed by the Old Bridge Police Department.
· Parent parking is not available in the school parking lot during arrival and dismissal.
· There are two crossing guards on duty. Mrs. Betty Denney is at the corner of Southwood Drive and Sycamore Drive. Mrs. Patti Reitler is at the corner of Southwood Drive and Farmbrook Drive.
· Parents must cross students at the designated crosswalks near the crossing guards. You may not cross in between buses at any time.
· Crossing Guards will not begin crossing children who are by themselves before 8:45 AM. Students with parents will not be permitted to cross before 8:40 AM.
· First bell rings at 8:50 AM. Students will wait in designated areas on the blacktop and be supervised/directed by staff members on duty. When the bell rings, they will be directed into the school through Door 1.
Arrival Procedures for Bus Students:
· Students who arrive by bus will be escorted to the blacktop by a staff member.
· Bus students should be reminded of the following:
§ Students must be at their assigned bus stop on time.
§ Students must wait respectfully and should not disturb the property or homeowner near the bus stop.
§ Students must sit in assigned seats.
§ Students must wear seat belts.
§ Students must follow the directions of the bus driver. He or she has full authority on the bus.
§ Students who do not exhibit appropriate behavior will lose the privilege of being transported to and from school by bus.
· Second bell rings at 9:00 AM. Students who arrive after the 9:00 AM bell are considered late. Students who arrive at this time must be escorted by a parent to the School Resource Officer’s booth by Door 1 and signed in.
Note: Any child who is tardy and arrives at school without a parent will not be admitted to class. A parent will be called to return and sign in the child while he or she waits in the health office.
Parking Lot:
· Students may not be dropped off in front of the school on Southwood Drive or along the side of the school in the parking lot.
· In the event of tardiness or illness, a parent may enter the parking lot and must park in a designated space.
· Parents are reminded at all times to enter and exit the parking lot slowly, as children are present.
Dismissal Procedures:
· Parents who pick up their children must wait by the fence.
· 3:10 PM - 3:14 PM - Van students will be dismissed and escorted by staff members to Door 14. After Care students will be dismissed to the All Purpose Room.
· 3:14 PM – Walkers will be dismissed in grade level order, escorted by a grade level teacher. Any child who is not met by a parent will be escorted to the main office. The parent will be contacted. No child will ever be left unattended.
· Bus students will be called following dismissal of walkers.
Changes to Normal Dismissal Routine:
· If you are changing a normal dismissal routine, you must notify us in writing. You can send an email or Dojo message to your child’s teacher.
· If you need to pick up your child early, please notify the teacher and when possible, send an email to the school secretary. Please report to the School Resource Officer’s booth. He or she will radio the main office and we will escort your child outside.
· You cannot take your child off the line while he or she is being dismissed to the bus.
· Your child cannot be released to anyone who is not on the emergency contact list in the Parent Portal. Contacts may be changed or updated at any time during the school year.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Arrival & Dismissal Procedures, please contact the Main Office at 732-360-4539. Thank you for your cooperation!